Follow along to see what statewide #COpolitics candidates and super PACs are raising and spending on this September filing day, the first of five before the Nov. 6 election.
2018 Colorado governor's race
The #COpolitics cash keeps pouring in (updated)
Statewide candidates continue to spend their own money leading up to the June 26 primary. One spender may surprise you.
Campaign finance
#COpolitics campaign cash: June 18 edition
Follow along as we summarize the last cash report from candidates and super PACs before Colorado’s June 26 primary.
Campaign finance
#COpolitics outside $$ hits primary contests beyond #COgov
It isn’t just the #COgov candidates getting an assist from outside money groups. Take a look at the super PACs in other statewide and legislative contests.
Bernie Douthit
#COpolitics campaign cash: June 4 edition
Three weeks to go until the June 26 primary, let’s see how much cash the candidates and their super PAC proxies are raising.
2018 attorney general election
#COpolitics campaign cash: May 21 edition
With the June 26 primary just more than a month away, candidates should be spending some of that cash. That will be the focus today as we track the filings for statewide candidates fundraising and spending between May 3 and May 16. Keep hitting refresh as those reports roll in. Governor
U.S. Rep. Jared Polis puts another $1.5 million into the contest, bringing the Democratic multi-millionaire’s total self-funding to more than $7.8 million. He spent $1.4 million, and of course most of that was for TV advertising.
2018 state Senate
#COpolitics Senate hot seats: Some big $$ aimed at Nov. 6
Four Senate contests without primaries are at $100,000 or more in fundraising. Here are the hottest seats for the Nov. 6 election.
2018 state Senate
#COpolitics Senate hot primary seats campaign cash
There’s some big money in some of the 17 races that will decide whether Republicans will maintain control of the state Senate. An early look back in January projected some of the key contests. Help Follow the Message
Are you getting mailers, robocalls or other messages from these primary candidates or others? Share them at Follow the Message
Today, let’s revisit the primary contests, along with the cash involved through May 2. All the candidates on the June 26 primary ballot (along with a few Libertarians and unaffiliated choices) have raised $1.5 million total so far.
2018 Colorado governor's race
#COpolitics campaign $$: May 5 edition
Keeping track of today’s statewide candidate campaign finance filings, as well as the big money in those independent spending committees.
Campaign finance
Johnston IEC starts TV ad spending spree in #COpolitics gov race
Frontier Fairness starts a big ad buy this week supporting Democratic gubernatorial candidate Michael Johnston.
2018 Colorado governor's race
More on the #COpolitics independent spenders in the #COgov contest
Here’s a look at some of the independent spenders in the Colorado governor’s race so far, including one Republican group opposing a Republican.